Hello World

When I was a little boy, computer programming was so just starting. The first programming language I learned and used was BASIC. And my first program? Hello World. It’s a program that shows on screen the words “Hello World.” It was so simple, but for me, it was something super major because with that I instantly became a programmer! After that first “Hello World,” and a couple of decades later, here is my second super major progam, manilagayguy.com – and with this I become, not just a programmer, but Migs, the Manila Guy Guy.

What can you expect from this site? Well, I plan to write about anything a gay guy like me would be interested in (with hope that it would interest you too!) I grew up, and am still, in Manila so you can also expect that most of the happenings that I write about would be focused on those in the vicinity.

In general, the Filipinos are a welcoming bunch, even to gays, may it be Filipino gays or foreigner gays. So that means there are many places and events here in Manila which can be enjoyed by gays like me. And those, ladies, gays, and gents, are the stuff I wanna write about. So stay tuned, more adventures and stuff coming!

So to end this special premier post, let me say, “Hello World, and hello to you too!”

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2 Responses to “Hello World”

  1. szaatchi Says:

    just wondering… how dya look like? hope you can post your pics as well… hmmm.. that would be nice..

  2. leo Says:

    migs, am trying to make my own blog, just want to ask for some technical help. I was wondering how to put the thumbnails in a post, so that when you click it, a larger version would be super-imposed on the current window. I can only do which opens the bigger version in another window, please advise…

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