Chocolate Kiss in Roces Ave.


I studied in and graduated from UP Diliman, so I super know Chocolate Kiss (the resto) in the campus. Recently, I tried the off-campus branch, the one located along Roces Avenue, in Quezon City. It’s a quaint little dining place with decent meals and great desserts, why don’t you give it a try?


Some remarks:
1. I love their iced tea because they don’t sweeten it. Instead they give you a pitcherette of arnibal (yes dear, honey is too expensive, hahaha!) for you to sweeten it as you like.
2. I tried their kaldereta, which is pretty decent. Also that breaded chicken with cream cheese filling. Not super great, but not bad as well.
3. While the viand was respectable, they should choose their bigas better. The time I was there, the rice they served was kind of tough, dry, and grainy.
4. They have a good variety of cake desserts.
5. The ambiance was great, it was very simple and clean, muted colors with white and gradients. I say it’s a great dating place.
6. Sorry gay guys, the waiters are not as goodlooking as in Cafe Bola or Blue Ginger. The customers are though. The several times I was there, it never failed. One or two male customers would catch my eye. Maybe they are gay too! You never know, these nice places are favorite hangouts of PLUs din right?

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2 Responses to “Chocolate Kiss in Roces Ave.”

  1. Ang-ang Says:


  2. chad Says:

    ay sus. nvm! basta love ko yung chicken kiev!

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