Joseph Kidwell, the transformer

Is Joseph Kidwell a case of a real beauty transformation? Help me out here…

Exhibit No. 1-A: Joseph, a la Man of the Year 2005


Exhibit No. 1-B: Another a la Man of the Year


Now consider these…

Exhibit No. 2-A to 2-D: Where did the abs go?





Maybe he really just worked so very hard to have those abs — then lost it along the way, sayang naman! Or maybe, for the first 2 photos, instead of a personal trainer, a graphic artist was involved? (a case of “Thank you, Photoshop!”)

Don’t ask me, I’m clueless! Hehehehe. Enjoy your week folks! Kidwell, the transformer  digg:Joseph Kidwell, the transformer  spurl:Joseph Kidwell, the transformer  newsvine:Joseph Kidwell, the transformer  furl:Joseph Kidwell, the transformer  reddit:Joseph Kidwell, the transformer  fark:Joseph Kidwell, the transformer  Y!:Joseph Kidwell, the transformer


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33 Responses to “Joseph Kidwell, the transformer”

  1. Ghel Says:

    With or without those abs, yummy pa rin sya!

  2. Ang-ang Says:

    Great but i dont like his bod

  3. Jerome aka Bridget Jones Says:

    i feel that this constant bombardment of what a desirable man should like is a reinforcement of the sexual hierarchy in gay filipino men (which i refer to as the gay caste system), just like what is said in the “Forbidden Fruit” documentary (which i loved). you inspired me to write an entry which has been brewing in my mind, migs.

    spread the love…

  4. kurara_chibana Says:

    i share Ghel’s sentiments. he’s uber hot in any case! :)

    thanks for the pics migs!

  5. erick Says:

    sarap naman!!!!!

  6. Joey Says:

    mas gusto ko yung hindi pade-pandesal. mas warm, mas totoong tao and dating.

  7. Kevin Says:

    i like him even w ithout his abs….. his still yummy

  8. Dave Montero Says:

    I think the abs-less photos were his earlier shoots… He looked younger kasi compared to the beefed-up pics…

  9. neil Says:

    it’s a simple case of metabolism deceleration…

  10. manyichu Says:

    Bahala basta yummy sya! Thanks migo

  11. jam Says:

    no big deal he got those big bulges naman instead sa abs, may impoatante yong hmm.. heheheheh

  12. giodude Says:

    that’s a correct assumption dave montero! the first two pictures are from a recent spread in male revue magazine.. whilst the last four are from earlier editions.. the last picture, 2-d, is from male revue also, the one with the maskulados in the cover..;)

  13. peterpic Says:

    i must say, the basket does look full… hehehehehe. truth be told, abs or no abs, hindi ako tatanggi. hehehehe

  14. br0wn_c0w Says:

    I don’t know him pero nakakalibog siya hahahhaa!

  15. tonyboy Says:

    hmmm, naubusan ng steroids…. the pics on top are the types steroids helped. what do they say about its effects on potency and size?….never mind.

  16. hmm Says:


  17. Ivan Says:

    He used to work at Planet Infinity Gym as a fitness instructor, one of the nicest and friendliest among instructors. I don’t see him there anymore though. Pictures don’t do him justice. He looks 100% better in person. Those eyes are mesmerizing.

  18. lez Says:

    cnu cya? d ko cya kilala,pero may dating cya…send nyo contact# nya kung meron..hehhe

  19. biatch Says:

    stil,he is HOT HOT HOT… i like him so much. with or without the abs!
    wla ng maarte! laman tiyan din yan! haha!

  20. andrew Says:

    He’s cute and oh-so-yummy! LOL! Sana ma-feature naman dito si Wendell Ramos. Talap, talap!

  21. mei mei Says:

    GRABE !!!! jokat

  22. macky Says:

    Yeah I know his numbers….pati ung sa bahay nila even yung address….Hehehehe lagot Joseph makababawi na rin ako….Ala

  23. FF Says:

    He’s already an FA for Cebu Pacific

  24. amelia_vega Says:




  25. peak fantasy Says:

    he’s so yummy!!! naginit ako..sigh!!

  26. varga Says:

    wow, FA in CEbuPAc. Unlike PAL, they have little qualms about his background huh. he seems like an overall nice person. unlike other who pose for bookings…hehehe

  27. michael Says:

    yeah he is cute. Pero one of the posters is right. If a gay man does not look that way, then we are not desirable to other men. Their are other things to look at in picking a bf partner. There is stability, heart and personality. We as gay men need to look at other things in a guy.

  28. Calvin Says:

    with or without abs, at least he still got his huge plaything! :D

  29. eponine Says:

    abs o flabs, malaki o maliit, i still like him. i like the unphotoshopped pics. mas real, mas yummy. and yeah, i do not think photoshopped ang bulge nya.

  30. felix Says:

    i think yhammmy cy kahit small size d mahalaga yon basta wow ….. n wow

  31. rodier Says:

    i like janvier better.

  32. tom Says:

    what’s his number? pls…i won’t stalk him though

  33. pepron Says:

    damnnn hotttt!

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