Make The Yuletide Gay


Ten days before Christmas! Let’s make the Yuletide gay with….

Love and kindness!

Choose One:

1. Think of someone you don’t exactly like, and make him/her happy today with a small gesture of kindness (e.g., smile and greet an obnoxious officemate, “Merry Christmas!”)

2. Chit-chat with your company janitor or the yosi vendor outside your office — make him/her feel that life is good despite all challenges!

3. Compliment a fellow employee, or a subordinate.

4. Or think of any small act of kindness…

Spread cheer and love… this is your contribution to world peace! The Yuletide Gay  digg:Make The Yuletide Gay  spurl:Make The Yuletide Gay  newsvine:Make The Yuletide Gay  furl:Make The Yuletide Gay  reddit:Make The Yuletide Gay  fark:Make The Yuletide Gay  Y!:Make The Yuletide Gay


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4 Responses to “Make The Yuletide Gay”

  1. Ang-ang Says:


  2. Ang-ang Says:

    That’s hot!

  3. Kris Aquino Says:

    so very touching….

  4. Jerome aka Bridget Jones Says:

    sweetheart, i do all of your tips all year round! been awarded Miss Congeniality, security guards and janitor love me mostly because they get yosi from me during my yosi breaks (which is more than 3 times in a day. hehehe). missed ya, dahlin!

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