Diversity in the Gay Community

I’ve chosen the topic of diversity for this anniversary podcast hosted by the Troikasters — Gibbs Cadiz, Joel McVie, and Migs the Manila Gay Guy.

In this first part of the podcast, we talked about:
Str8acting gays

Which one are you? Listen in, after the jump!

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10 Responses to “Diversity in the Gay Community”

  1. fioux Says:

    erratum lang, “with regard” is the correct way of saying it, hindi po “with regards” kagaya po ng mali ang pagsabi ng “irregardless” dahil “regardless” po ang tama.

  2. schizo Says:

    Nice feature in Jessica in GMA. It tackles about the stereotypes of gays and how it is changing.


  3. sterling mark Says:


    i really like the conversations you had.

    ur website is my daily coffee MATE in the morning started when i am based here in uk since november 2006.



  4. bi_mark23 Says:

    I have a thing 4 straights. D more straight actng he is, d more i’d hit on him… I get turned on wen i see a straight go down on me.;-)

  5. kurt Says:

    I think with all that has been said, it should still boil down to three.

    Universal Homosexual Categories:
    1. Effeminates; soft spoken, girl-acting but are not necessarily flamboyant which usually includes gay directors, designers, interior designers, etc.
    2. Cross dressers: which includes beauticians, transvestites (drag queens)
    3. Gay guys; straight-acting, gym-buffed gays, gay metrosexuals, closeted

  6. Denali de Guzman Says:

    I just wanted to say that i found your conversation very enlightening and of course interesting. I’m a Canadian born pinoy, 23 y.o., and I felt and still feel the same way about many of the “titles” or subcultures, if you will, regarding being filipino and gay. Canadian and American born pinoys here have our own subculture called “Downe.” It’s basically straight acting and paminta, but with a more hip hop or thug appeal to it if you will. Imagine that rap crew “Salbakuta” straight acting but openly gay and exclusively date soft pamintas. Just a lil’ sharing for you guys.

  7. from1fagtoanother Says:

    Hi Migs,

    For starters, I’d like to commend you on your seemingly lower voice now. I’m comparing it to your previous podcast. Thinking about it now, it sounded like you were under the influence of alcohol the last time.

    Just feedback for your crew, in the straight acting world, there are only 2 classifications, str8 acting and effem. I think its self-explanatory.

    With the way you three sounded, seems like only you Migs is str8 acting, the 2, well, effems. It’s kinda funny really to hear that one was aloof around ‘parloristas’. Like how do I tell you apart from the ‘parloristas’ with the way you speak? No diff if you ask me.

    I hope you come up with more interesting topics next time, and more interesting panelists at that. If you were to ask me, you can keep Gibbs but please get rid of the other one. He’s irritating.

    How about talking about gay parenting?

    How about researching first before you do the actual discussion? I find that the opinions of your panelists are somewhat elementary.

    Just my 2 cents worth of useless advice. ;)

    Much luck

  8. Glenn Says:

    well… i have a thing for straight acting guys… i dont mind if they are also out in the closet wag lang sobra and in public… hehehehehe… depende pa din.. kaniya kaniya lang yan.

  9. ems Says:

    basta khit ano ka pa gibbs, mahal p rin kita :D

  10. Diversity in the Gay Community - 2 | manila gay guy Says:

    […] Podcast is 32 mins and 46 secs long. (If you have not heard the first part of this podcast, you can listen to it here.) […]

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